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CRE Insights With Cecil Cummins

Apr 21, 2020

Cecil Cummins sits down with Jerry Feldman of Mid-Maryland Title to discuss aspects of Commercial Real Estate as it relates to Title. Listen in to hear Jerry offer suggestions on when to record items, what commercial building owners can do to be prepared for when they want to consider selling a property, and the intricacies of easements and encumbrances.


Jerome I. Feldman has always been passionate about business and helping people. His parents and grandparents were involved in businesses, and Mr. Feldman spent his summers as a young man working at family-run establishments. A native of Annapolis, Mr. Feldman grew up in Murray Hill. After earning his B.A. from the University of Maryland and his J.D. from the University of Baltimore School of Law, Mr. Feldman returned to Annapolis to start his career. He has an illustrious history working for over 40 years in the legal industry. Jerry has started and successfully grew and sold a securities dealership regulated by the SEC; Jerry has been a principal in a building savings and loan bank and started, grew, and sold his title company in 2017. Now Jerry works as of-counsel for Hyatt and Weber Law Firm in Annapolis and manages the day to day operations of the title company he sold, Mid-Maryland Title.